jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Post 5

I'm not sure about what kind of job I would like to have in the future, because in my career, jounalism, I have many options and I want o try a lot of them. But If you ask me for one, for sure Im interested in the radio. 
Since I was young I have listened to the radio in my house. It is always on because of my dad and he ven has one next to his bed.
Even  though I love the radio, and the idea of making programmes and podcasts, doesn't mean that I want to be all my life in that kind of job.  I don't imagine myself working in the same place all my life.
I want to travel too, that's why I'm interested in learning new lenguages. I imagine myself being a press correspondent, my mum always says that, but I have to practise to be better, so I would like to study and learn more lenguages.  

I know that I will not have a good salary, but Im not ambitious, I just want to live well. 
Studyng journalism is not dificult, but tired. Sometimes, like today, I have to run all over the city to get interviews, take photos or record a video, but it is funny.  

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

Post 4

My favorite book is The catcher in the rye by J.D Salinger.It was published in 1951. The book tells the history of a 16 years old boy, who was expelled from school. I read this book when I was 15 years old and I loved it. It was kind of difficult for me to choose one book, so I'm going to include another one which is fighting for the first place, it is Demian, by Hermann Hesse.  He is also my favorite author, I really like the way he writes and the books he has.
To be honest, I don't really have a favorite kind of book, it just depends in my mood. Sometimes I like reading fantasy books, and weeks later I just wanna read something like non  fiction.
The last book I have read was an infantil book, bacause of my newphew, but I can't remember the name. It's funny because I would trully recomended it. It is about a Lion King  who lost his crown and everyone in the town plays the rol of a king when they found the crown.
When I was 12 or 13 I used to read a lot, now I can't read everything that I like because of time. 

Post 3

My favorite serie is call "Answer me 1988". It is a korean serie that tells the history of five friends and their families living in the same neighborhood, in Seoul. I liked it because it has different histories, you can cry and also laugh. I enjoyed every single episode even though they lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes aprox. I remember that I watched it first, then I recomended my friends to watch it and they loved it too. We still can't get over the finale.
I love watching series, I have seen thousands. I like asian series, my favorite are the korean ones. I don't have a favorite type like mysterius or romance, I just enjoy everything. Usually I don't like US series, but there are exeption, of course.
Now I'm watching "Hotel del Luna", it is about an hotel which is catered only for ghosts. It is funny, iIrecommend it. I started watching it because of the main actress, I have enjoyed all of her works.

Post 8

I usually don't plan what I am going to do in the summer. It's like "hey let's go the beach". But if you ask me what I...