jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Post 5

I'm not sure about what kind of job I would like to have in the future, because in my career, jounalism, I have many options and I want o try a lot of them. But If you ask me for one, for sure Im interested in the radio. 
Since I was young I have listened to the radio in my house. It is always on because of my dad and he ven has one next to his bed.
Even  though I love the radio, and the idea of making programmes and podcasts, doesn't mean that I want to be all my life in that kind of job.  I don't imagine myself working in the same place all my life.
I want to travel too, that's why I'm interested in learning new lenguages. I imagine myself being a press correspondent, my mum always says that, but I have to practise to be better, so I would like to study and learn more lenguages.  

I know that I will not have a good salary, but Im not ambitious, I just want to live well. 
Studyng journalism is not dificult, but tired. Sometimes, like today, I have to run all over the city to get interviews, take photos or record a video, but it is funny.  

2 comentarios:

  1. I also like radio a lot! But maybe the work conditions are hard

  2. I like radio, bus it's not for me, I think that is important that you want to dedicate to this area, because it can't disappear.


Post 8

I usually don't plan what I am going to do in the summer. It's like "hey let's go the beach". But if you ask me what I...