jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

Post 8

I usually don't plan what I am going to do in the summer. It's like "hey let's go the beach". But if you ask me what I want to do this summer there are many things.
I would like to visit my brother, who lives in Talcahuano with his wife and my two nephews. I see them like 5 times a year, so in holidays I like to spend  a lot of days there.

Almost every, year since 2011, we have gone to Pichilemu with my mother, my aunt and my cousin, who is like my sister. We like to go there because we have where to stay the night and we know where to go to have fun. It sounds a little bit boring to go every year to the same place but we fell in love with Pichilemu. I don't know if we are going to go this year,  I will probably know like the week before.

This year I want to go to General Cruz. Last year my friend invited me but we couldn't go because of money and other problems. I hope we can go this summer. She always talks about that place, that it's really peacefull and beautiful.

I also want to go out with my friends. I have a friend who lives near to Valparaiso and this year, in winter, I went there.  We had a lot of fun.

This summer I want to take piano classes to be better at it. I remember that I wrote this in the post about my bucket list. So I'm going in the right direction to make it.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Post 7

Honestly, this is my first time writing the thing I want to do before I die, a bucket list. I always think about what I want to do in the future or what I have done so these are some of them.

Since I was 15 or 16 I started selling candys with my bestfriend, at school. We wanted the money for concerts, so we didn't have to ask for money to our parents. Since then, we have paid all of the concerts we have gone together.  Now we sell stationary items, like pencils and notepads. With the money that we have earn and saved this years we want to travel to Asia.

My mother, since I can remember, wants to learn how to drive and have her own car, so I want to buy  one for her. She always says that she is good with a small car, but I want to buy a big and good one. That could be difficult for me, because of the money, but I'll try.

Since I was a little kid I have loved to write. I used to write everything that was on my mind, and I have a lot of notebooks with stories. So I'd love to write a book and share my thought with people that I don't know. Maybe it could be a children's book.

I really what to learn how to play professionally the piano and the guitar. I know how to do it, but I want to be better, and take classes.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Post 6

When I finish my career I want to do a posgraduate about investigative journalism, because I want to be good as a jounalist, and make great investigations. I also want to study something related to music. Since I was young I have love learning how to play instruments and how to compose songs, so I think that I will definitely take a music course in the future. I want to be better in what I already know and learn more and more. 

My brother's girlfriend studied in the Sorbonne University, in France for 6 months, in 2013, so I want to try something similar with a posgraduate. I really don't know where I want to study, but I think it's a great opportunity because you can learn new things and also get to know other cultures and lenguages, being a part of it, not just like a tourist. If I have to choose a country I would say Japan. I know that their culture and way to interact with each others is different compared to Chile's relality and I am not saying that I agree with them, but it could be interesting. 

I also want to live in the south of Chile, so I think it's a great option to look for something that I like in Universidad Austral. 

Post 8

I usually don't plan what I am going to do in the summer. It's like "hey let's go the beach". But if you ask me what I...