jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Post 2

The best concert I've ever been to was Coldplay's.
Coldplay are a band of pop rock and altertative rock from England. It was formed in 1996 and has 4 members,  Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion.
I saw the band in Estadio Nacional, the 3th of april in 2016. I remember the date so well because it was my friend's birthday and I was sad because I couldn't attend to her party. Anyways, I went to her house the next day. 
Going back to the concert, I went with one of my brothers and her girlfriend. We had Vip position but it was court Vip, so we arrived to the concert very early to get the best position. 
I remember I said "It's Coldplay, it's going to be quiet" but it wasn't. The people jumped and sang every song. I had a lot of fun. 
Before Coldplay's concert started, Lianne La Havas sang and played the guitar for about one hour. I didn't know her music, but I fell in love with it. 
I was kind of sad because they didn't sing my favorite song, "The hardest part", but I enjoyed every single song. I have listend to their songs since I was a kid, so it was kind of emotional for me. 

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Post 1

I would like to visit South Korea. When I was 16 I started to learn how to speak korean and a lot of things about their culture, in Duoc UC, and I really liked it, so I would like to go there and learn more about the country and their history. Even though I desagree with a lot of things about their culture.
I would visit Han river, wich is in Seoul, at night. I also want to go to Jeju, that is the biggest korean island, and it is very popular. I would like to eat different kind of food and a lot of spicy ramen.
One of my brothers is going there this october with his girlfriend, so I will ask him for advices and places to visit.
I am alredy saving money to make this trip with my best friend, I hope we can make it.
If I ever go there I would like to study at Seoul University or Korean University to improve my korean, but I'll be happy just visiting the place.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

Post 1

It is dangerous to give your information on websites such as facebook, instagram and others, because you don't know who is behind the screen, and what are the people going to do with your information. I don't like posting everything about my daily life, but if the others want to do that it doesn`t bother me.
My favorite website is Twitter, because it’s a mix of text, images and videos. I have use this social media since I was 11, and I have never get bored.

I don’t share pictures of my newphews because they are kids, and I don’t like to exposes them.

Post 8

I usually don't plan what I am going to do in the summer. It's like "hey let's go the beach". But if you ask me what I...